About MENYA KANKI 麵家金鳍
麺家金鰭採用優質新鮮的海鮮食材製作拉麵,讓你沉浸於招牌濃厚鯛白湯拉麵、日本蜆貝醬油拉麵及多款丼飯小食的正宗日本風味中。 Dive into the rich flavours of MENYA KANKI's premium Seafood Ramen and other signature dishes, including Sea Bream Fish Ramen and Japanese Clam Soy Sauce Ramen, crafted with the finest ingredients from sea to table.
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蔥花牛舌 Grilled Ox-Tongue with Salt
$94.00鰻魚飯套餐 (茶漬) Eel Rice Hitsumabushi Set
$202.00日本蜆貝醬油拉麵 Japanese Clam Soy Sauce Ramen
$154.00濃厚鯛白湯拉麵 Rich Sea Bream Fish Ramen
$166.00明太子玉子燒 Grilled Egg Tamagoyaki with Mentaiko
$94.00濃湯拉麵 Rich Soup Ramen
$130.00辣味濃湯拉麵 Rich Spicy Ramen
拉麵 Ramen
每日新鮮製作麵條、選用頂級日本麵粉及獨特秘方、以達致完美的口感及風味。 Noodles are freshly made daily using the finest japanese flour and other secret ingredients in order to achieve the perfect texture and flavour.
日本蜆貝醬油拉麵 Japanese Clam Soy Sauce Ramen
以蜆貝熬成的鮮香清湯 - 配料包括櫻花麩、蜆貝、煙低溫腩肉叉燒、慢煮豬肩叉燒、青蔥、紫洋蔥和白韭菜。A deeply fragrant yet refined clear soup made with clams. Toppings include a sakura gluten cake, two clams, a slice of sakura wood smoked pork belly charsiu, a slice of slow-cooked pork shoulder charsiu, spring onions, purple onions, white leeks.$154.00濃厚鯛白湯拉麵 Rich Sea Bream Fish Ramen
以鯛魚熬成的濃厚鯛魚湯 - 配料包括嫩燒鯛魚塊、煙低溫腩肉叉燒、慢煮豬肩叉燒、煙燻日本溏心蛋、紫洋蔥、日本三葉香菜、竹筍和五色玄米粒。A rich, thick soup made with sea bream fish. Toppings include tender chunks of torched sea bream, a slice of sakura wood smoked pork belly charsiu, a slice of slow-cooked pork shoulder charsiu, sakura wood smoked japanese egg, purple onions, mitsuba japanese parsley, bamboo shoots and colourful arare glutinous rice pieces.$166.00濃湯拉麵 Rich Soup Ramen
以豬肉和雞肉熬成的濃湯 - 配料包括煙低溫腩肉叉燒、慢煮豬肩叉燒、青蔥、紫洋蔥和五色玄米粒。A rich pork & chicken base soup. Toppings include a slice of smoked pork belly charsiu, a slice of slow-cooked pork shoulder charsiu, spring onions, purple onions and colourful arare glutinous rice pieces.$130.00辣味濃湯拉麵 Rich Spicy Ramen
以豬肉和雞肉熬成的濃湯,配自家製辣椒油 - 配料包括秘製辣王球、煙低溫腩肉叉燒、慢煮豬肩叉燒、青蔥、紫洋蔥和五色玄米粒。A rich pork & chicken base soup with a homemade chili oil. Toppings include a spicy bomb, a slice of smoked pork belly charsiu, a slice of slow-cooked pork shoulder charsiu, spring onions, purple onions and colourful arare glutinous rice pieces.$142.00
飯 Rice
鰻魚飯套餐 (茶漬) Eel Rice Hitsumabushi Set
$202.00炸蠔定食 Deep-fried Oyster Set
$190.00A4和牛飯套餐 (茶漬) A4 Kagoshima Wagyu Beef Rice Hitsumabushi Set
$310.00迷你叉燒丼 Mini Char Siu Rice Bowl
$70.00明太子飯 Mentaiko Rice
$70.00銀鱈魚定食 Saikyo Miso Grilled Silver God Fish Set
一品料理 A La Carte
西班牙豬肉餃子 Spanish Pork Gyoza
$70.00蔥花牛舌 Grilled Ox-Tongue with Salt
$94.00玉子燒 Grilled Egg Tamagoyaki
$70.00涼拌菠菜 Japanese Spinach in Dashi
$58.00明太子玉子燒 Grilled Egg Tamagoyaki with Mentaiko
$94.00炸雞肉 Crispy Fried Chicken
$72.00枝豆 Edamame
$46.00薯仔沙律 Japanese Style Potato Salad
$58.00炸雞肉明太子醬 Crispy Fried Chicken with Mentaiko Sauce
$82.00炸蠔 Deep-fried Oyster
$94.00鯛頭鹽燒 Grilled Sea Bream Head
Currently sold out$94.00銀鱈魚西京燒 Saikyo Miso Grilled Silver Cod Fish
飲品 Drinks
完熟水蜜桃梳打汽水 Japanese Peach Soda
$46.00可樂 Coke
$25.00靜岡密瓜梳打汽水 Shizuoka Musk Melon Soda
$46.00無糖可樂 Coke Zero
$25.00晴王麝香葡萄梳打 Japanese Shine Muscat Soda
酒類 Alcoholic
月山 出雲 純米吟醸 (300毫升) Gassan Izumo Jyunmaiginjyo (300ml)
$202.00雅山流 如月 大吟醸 (300毫升) Gazanryu Kisaragi Daiginjyou (300ml)
$214.00梅酒 (300毫升) Plum Wine (300ml)
$226.00柚子酒 (300毫升) Yuzu Wine (300ml)